The 7C’s of Projects

My Pondering

The 7-C’s of Project Fulfillment

1. CONSIDER – the project’s purpose

Reflect upon the opportunity. Repent from previous misdeeds. Envision it’s success and worst likely case scenarios. Brainstorm and Dream. Consider the ROI.

Is this a calling from God (big or small) and an opportunity to serve others in a meaningful way?

2. CLARIFY – the requirements of the project

Confirm this possible project’s purpose is legitimate. Construct goals and milestones. Obtain interest from other stakeholders and teammates. Count the cost and set up accountability. Verify the ROI.

Discuss and prepare contingency plans.

Is this the NBRM (Next Best Right Move)?

Right time, right place (not perfect but good and right)?

3. COMMIT – to the project

Muster adequate resources.

Talk the walk. Build the team.

Lay out the mission and strategy.

Schedule and plan your work.

Are we all in and fully committed?

4. COMMENCE – the work of the project

Walk the talk! Talk is cheap / Action is dear.

Begin with a bang!

Build momentum.

Work you plan.

5. CONSISTENT – work, drive and grind to the progress of the project

When the going gets tough, the tough get going.

Inch by inch, it’s a cinch. Steady and reliable work!

If it were easy, we wouldn’t be necessary.

Be a creative problem solve and keep your eye on the prize and purpose.

Mark and celebrate milestones. Measure what matters.

Are we making sure and steady progress?

6. COMPLETE – the project properly

Close strong and cross the goal line.

Clean-up and document the key things.

Cross your t’s and dot your i’s.

Train and empower the users.

Has the work been fulfilled as promised? Is the place as good if not better than as we found it?

7. CELEBRATE – the win

Reward the contributors financially and with warranted praise.

Learn from everything.a

Celebrate with joy and thanksgiving.

What did we gain and learn from this?

Repeat with wisdom gained from experience

Bible translations

Q: Why are there so many Bible translations?

My Pondering A: Same reason there are so many denominations, languages, trees, animals, etc

Same species, different styles

Once you jump ship and move to a different species, then you have a heretical cult.

Demand unity in principles and encourage variety in preferences.
Love in all ❤️


Q: When we worship God is it about our giving to Him what is pleasing or is it more about getting what makes us feel pleasure?

A – My Pondering: Worship is about God first and foremost. Always has and always will. Anything else is a facade. We are encouraged to worship God not because God needs it, its because He deserves it. Its part of our creational design.

When we are filled with the Holy Spirit, it’s reciprocal as we are part of the circular relationship. As Jesus taught, less of my old self means more of Him, my new and improved man…that’s a good pleasurable exchange.

Apart from the Spirit residing in us, it’s impossible to please God via worship. There is no connection. With the Spirit, its inclusive, so its not an OR thing but an AND, from my experience and study of Scripture.

When we bless God, because He is so good and loving, we are blessed in return.

The Right to Life

My Pondering

Its confounding that when a little child goes missing, many people go searching. Amber alerts are issued. Police and volunteers search the area, as they should.

Yet when a child is aborted, no big search party.

If the same child is gravely ill, the finest doctors and nurses give extensive therapy, medicine and treatments to cure and ease the child’s condition. Sometimes fundraising is required. Many prayers are launched. People are sad as they should.

Yet when a child is aborted, no big operation.

If they same child was injured in a terrible accident, same thing as it should for life is precious.

Yet when a child is aborted, no big deal.

BUT if the same child is not yet born though it’s heart is beating, it’s brain feels pain, it’s DNA and stem cells are present, it’s God given soul is intrinsic…then how in world is this any different?

Just because the pre-born baby human child (aka fetus) is hidden within its mother’s womb doesn’t make him/her disposable.

Legal doesn’t make it right. It makes it worse.

Some pro-death women often snarl, “You are a man and do NOT have a right to tell me what I can do with MY body.”

That’s true however your rights end at the tip of another person’s nose, including your baby. That fetus has different DNA therefore it’s not part of your person. The fetus is not another body part like an appendix that needs removed or a cancerous tumor that needs eradicated.

It’s illegal and immoral to rape another person’s living body.

It’s illegal and immoral to violently assault another living person’s body.

It’s illegal and immoral to harvest organs another person’s living body.

It’s illegal and immoral to abuse another person’s living body.

The same principle applies to the pre-born, the most innocent and helpless of all. It has been said that how a society treats it’s most helpless is an indicator of how enlightened it truly is.

Some pro-death people shout, “What about rape?”.

Rape is illegal and wrong!

Do two wrongs make a right?


Other pro-death folk say, “My doctor has determined my pre-born baby has an abnormality. Or it the wrong sex. Or whatever therefore let’s terminate the pregnancy and kill the fetus”

If the mother’s life is legitimately in jeopardy and verified by multiple medical professionals, then it should absolutely be the mother’s decision. Otherwise, we are usurping God’s (nature for non-believers) role in life.

Ponder more here:


Life is precious. All life is precious. Life begins with the blood. If a fetus has a heartbeat there is life. Life deserves a chance. All lives, born and pre-born.

Abortion kills 100% of the time.

The Elite Eight Leadership Skills

My Pondering

The concept of “talking the walk” and “walking the talk” encapsulates the intertwined nature of communication, influence, integrity, discipline, effectiveness, awareness, continuous learning, and attitude. It emphasizes the importance of aligning one’s words and actions, as well as being mindful of how, when, and what to communicate.

Communication and influence are not solely about verbal expressions; rather, they encompass the holistic way in which individuals convey messages through their behaviors, decisions, and interactions. This multifaceted approach to communication highlights the significance of nonverbal cues, gestures, and overall demeanor.

Integrity, discipline, and effectiveness serve as the foundation for “walking the talk,” representing the consistent and steadfast demonstration of one’s values and principles. These qualities guide individuals in their actions, reinforcing the credibility and trustworthiness of their words.

Moreover, the inclusion of awareness and continuous learning underscores the dynamic nature of effective communication. By being attuned to the context and nuances of various situations, individuals can adapt their communication style and content to engage authentically with others. Simultaneously, a commitment to continuous learning ensures that individuals remain receptive to new perspectives and ideas, thereby enriching their communicative abilities.

In summary, the role of attitude in communication cannot be overstated. It influences the tone, enthusiasm, and receptiveness with which individuals approach conversations and interactions. A positive and adaptable attitude empowers individuals to navigate diverse communication scenarios effectively.

Last but not least is integrity. Without honesty and the commitment to integrity, each of the other qualities won’t be sustainable for long. Integrity plays a vital role in building trust and maintaining healthy personal and professional relationships. It encompasses consistency in actions, values, methods, measures, principles, and expectations. Integrity also involves honesty and strong moral principles, guiding leaders to make the right choices under stress and during the mundane. Additionally, integrity fosters a sense of reliability and stability, which are crucial in gaining and maintaining the respect and confidence from others.

The Elite Eight


Attitude can be defined as a person’s overall outlook or way of thinking and feeling about something. It is often reflected in a person’s behavior and can greatly influence their interactions with others and their approach to various situations. A positive attitude fosters optimism and resilience, while a negative attitude inevitably falls into the rut of pessimism and reluctance.

A positive attitude won’t fix everything but you are many more times more likely to succeed by employing a positive one rather than a negative one, that is for sure.


Awareness should begin with being aware of yourself. Your purpose, your state, your demeanor, your perceptions, your nuances, your ticks, your gifts, your pet peeves, yourself.

Awareness refers to the ability to perceive, feel, or be conscious of events, objects, thoughts, emotions, or sensory patterns. In the context of self-awareness, it involves having a clear perception of one’s own personality, strengths, weaknesses, beliefs, emotions, and motivations. This heightened consciousness allows individuals to understand themselves more deeply, recognize their impact on others, and make informed decisions aligned with their values.

Humans’ self-awareness sets us apart from other creatures. This unique ability allows us to go beyond instinctual responses and engage in introspection, contemplating our thoughts, emotions, and actions. While animals largely rely on predetermined behaviors to navigate their environment, we possess the capacity to consciously evaluate situations and make deliberate choices based on our reflections. This cognitive process grants us the power to adapt, learn, and develop complex social structures and cultures. As a result, our self-awareness plays a pivotal role in shaping the intricate tapestry of human society and our interactions with the world around us.

Steven Covey covers this in detail. Read more here.

Awareness also involves paying attention to relevant details, those that hold significance. It the ability to see the big picture yet not neglecting the small details.


Continuous learning is the ongoing process of gaining new knowledge, skills, and experiences throughout your life. It means actively looking for chances to grow personally and professionally, whether through formal education, informal learning, or applying what you’ve learned. Continuous learning helps you adapt to changes, stay up to date with current trends, and expand your expertise in different areas. It promotes mental growth by questioning assumptions, broadening perspectives, and encouraging critical thinking, ultimately leading to personal and professional progress.

There are four levels of learning


Discipline encompasses the practice of developing productive routines and habits. Disciplined people adhere to the essence of rules or a code of behavior. Sometimes punishment or withholding rewards are used to correct disobedience. It can also refer to the controlled behavior resulting from such training. In a broader sense, discipline can represent a particular field of study or an area of expertise. The concept of discipline underscores the importance of self-control, order, and adherence to prescribed guidelines or principles. It is often essential for achieving long-term goals and maintaining consistency in actions.


Communication for leaders refers to the exchange of messages and information between the leader and their team members or peers. It involves not only the transfer of ideas and directives but also the establishment of rapport, trust, and understanding within the organization. Effective interpersonal communication by a leader encompasses active listening, clarity of expression, empathy, and the ability to tailor the message to the audience. Moreover, it involves creating an environment where open and honest dialogue is encouraged, feedback is valued, and conflicts are addressed constructively. Strong interpersonal communication skills enable leaders to inspire, motivate, and guide their teams towards shared goals, fostering a culture of collaboration and unity.

Read more about the 5C’s here

Read more about this quote here

Discover more about the 4T’s of Talk here

Check out these visuals regarding leadership


Effectiveness of leadership encompasses the ability of a leader to proficiently guide and influence their team or organization towards achieving objectives and goals. Leaders demonstrate adept decision-making skills, strategic vision, and the capacity to inspire and motivate others. Additionally, they exhibit strong communication, problem-solving, and interpersonal skills, while fostering a positive and productive work environment. Business leadership effectiveness also involves the capacity to adapt to changes, innovate, and drive sustainable growth and success for the organization.

Definiteness of Decision – early, foundational,
“Dont start your day until you have finished your plan“, Correcting Decisions-reflect, new decision power

Definite Plans – harness momentum, get your boat in the water and set your destination, head to blue oceans while making the most of the red, balance and include family, plan use of money

Personal Devolpment and Mission Plan – Max influence leverage

Effectiveness includes consistently applying Successful Principles.

To learn more, click here

Leaders who seek to serve become highly effective. To discover more about this topic, click here


Influence in this context is a leader’s ability to impact and guide the behaviors, decisions, and actions of others in the organization. It includes inspiring, motivating, and empowering individuals or teams to work together toward common goals. It involves creating a positive work environment, building confidence and trust, and communicating a compelling vision for the organization’s future. It also involves using interpersonal skills, understanding the organizational culture, and making strategic decisions that align with the company’s mission and values. Ultimately, leadership influence in business is about driving collective efforts toward sustainable growth, innovation, and success while promoting a culture of collaboration and unity.

“If you’re not praying for influence on people,
is it because you don’t think what you believe matters or people don’t matter?”

John Piper

People of influence use powerful words like these


Integrity means being consistent in actions, values, methods, measures, principles, and expectations. It involves honesty and strong moral principles, guiding leaders to make the right choices under stress and in routine decisions. Integrity creates a sense of reliability and stability, essential for gaining and keeping the respect and confidence of others. Business leaders maintain integrity by showing ethical conduct, transparency, and accountability in their interactions, decisions, and organizational management. This builds a foundation of trust, promotes a positive work culture, and contributes to lasting success.

Integrity transends work life. It ecompasses one’s entire Circle of life.

Strong leaders have forged their Intergrity by fire. They have a keen sense of Justice – fair, balance, right.

Integrity of Character is the Courage to do what is true and steady, willingness to do the hard stuff.

Leadership is comprehensive, contastly improving skills

Read here as there is always more to know: